Happy Birthday America!

US FlagLess than a quarter of a millennium a great country was born based on a revolutionary concept.  On July 4, 1776, America the land of the free and the home of the brave, and the beacon for freedom, was born when the Declaration of Independence was unanimously adopted by the 13 colonies fighting Great Britain.  It took more than a decade to create the US constitution to be signed on September 17, 1787.

The constitution was developed as the value system influencing the economic prosperity and political freedom of the United States of America. It simply advocated freedom and individualism which have led to economic progress.

Many great ideas are born. However, to survive and blossom, an idea requires sound strategic execution. Political freedom is sustainable only with economic attainment. Economic prosperity, in general, and economic freedom, in particular, is the bedrock for viable social and human development. Free societies are better able to capitalize on the benefits of economic freedom. However, economic prosperity is needed to sustain political freedom.

As we celebrate the July 4th, I pray and hope that our political leaders appreciate the importance of economic prosperity and focus their attention on devising sound economic plans. A political platform based on inclusiveness and respect for humanity and freedom should yield better in achieving economic growth.

God Bless America and All Humanity!