Red Oak Capital Group

Red Oak Capital Fund V, LLC

Red Oak Capital Group (“Red Oak”) provides short-term, senior secured stabilization loans on income producing commercial real estate properties located in major geographic markets. Red Oak is currently raising Red Oak Capital Fund V, LLC (“the Fund”), a Reg A offering which will provide investors with a vehicle to access the attractive commercial real estate space through Red Oak’s disciplined underwriting and capital allocation process.

IssuerRed Oak Capital Fund V, LLC
Offering Size Target $50 million-Regulation A+, Tier II Bond
General Solicitation
Minimum Investment
Terms – Broker Dealer
7.50% Senior Secured Bonds (Series A Bonds) Matures 12/31/2026
Terms – Fee Based
8.00% Senior Secured Bonds (Series A R-Bonds) Matures 12/31/2026
Interest Payment
Paid quarterly in arrears, January 25, April 25, July 25 and October 25
Contingent Interest Payment Contingent interest payment will be equal to the spread times 20% Offering Period Ends: December 31, 2021

To receive Risk Disclosure and Prospectus before investing in the fund, please contact us at 617-910-6256 or